SNV 893-1301 Oroville 533-9112 Paradise 762-0053
Butte County MLS Tour Schedules
The process to add a listing to any of the MLS tours in Butte County is the same.
Instructions on how to put your home on Tour:
•Log on to and logon to your MATRIX account
- Add/Edit “open House”
- Select the proper tour date
•Time frame for tours is typically 9 am to 11 am
•Type of tour NEEDS to be “BROKER”
•Any comments (raffles, food, etc.) will go in the comments section
Agents must be present to pitch their property, or designate a realtor to do it on their behalfThe tour schedules for the local Associations are as follows:
Sierra North Valley REALTORS
Tours are every Wednesday
All tour submissions need to be in by 10 am Tuesday morning prior to our Meeting
Agents must be present to pitch their property, or designate a realtor to do it on their behalf
3rd Wednesday is General Meeting. Please no “Re-tours” on this day
28 days between tours for a single property
Location: 1705 Manzanita Ave. (Chico Elks Lodge)
Doors open at 8:30 a.m. & pitching of property starts at 9 a.m.
Breakfast and refreshments provided
Tour of the properties begins directly following the meeting.
Oroville Association of REALTORS®
Our tour day is Thursday
All tour submissions need to be in by 2:30 pm Wednesday afternoon prior to our Meeting
Agents must be present to pitch their property, or designate a realtor to do it on their behalf
1st Thursday of the month is our speaker Meeting; tour follows speaker portion of the meeting
Location: 2120 Robinson Street, Suite A, Oroville
Tour meeting starts at 9:00 a.m.
Tour of the properties begins directly following the meeting.
Paradise Association of REALTORS®
Paradise Tour Tuesdays are every 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month, with the exception of holiday weeks, for which advance notice will be given with schedule changes
All tour submissions need to be in by 10 am Monday morning prior to Tour Tuesday, no exceptions
Agents must be present to pitch their property, or designate a realtor to pitch their listing on their behalf
No “Re-tours” within 30 days of initial tour of each listing
Location: 6161 Clark Rd., Suite 2
*Use walkway behind building at lower level parking lot and follow to large conference room in back.
Doors open at 9:15 a.m. & pitching of property starts at 9:30 a.m.
Coffee and breakfast refreshments provided
Tour of the properties begins directly following the Tour Tuesday preview meeting.